Episode 118 - Saturday, October 14, 1978

Episode 118 · December 24th, 2016 · 25 mins 43 secs

About this Episode


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We really don't know what to make of this one. Is this merely a cry for help, or is Jim Davis trying to create some sort of anti-humor singularity that will destroy the entire universe? It's not answered within the text of today's comic, so we're forced to speculate. The only other possibility is that Jim Davis, after 33 years of life on earth including FOUR MONTHS drawing a daily cat-themed comic strip, JUST NOW realized that cats are 'nice to have when you're feeling lonely' and thought it was worth throwing out traditional comedic structure to evangelize this fact. Either way, we really worry about Jim Davis in this one.

Today's strip
The 'Intelligence Staircase'

Support Being Jim Davis

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