Episode 276 - Wednesday, March 21, 1979

Episode 276 · May 31st, 2017 · 12 mins 16 secs

About this Episode

"What's this?" you may be asking yourself, "Yet another episode of Being Jim Davis published without any accompanying text?"

Well that's right, buttercup. And what of it? I have neither the time nor the inclination to punish myself by listening to this shambolic ear-trash just so that I can summarize it for you here. I mean, I lived through today's episode once already while we were recording it. Then I sort of half-listened again while I was editing it -- or anyway whatever passes for editing on this sad, self-absorbed hobby-turned-Bataan-death-march-through-the-mind-of-Jim-Davis. And now you expect me to listen to it again? No. No no no. Hells no. You want to know what we talked about on today's episode? You listen to it. I'm done.

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