Episode 316 - Monday, April 30, 1979

Episode 316 · July 10th, 2017 · 1 hr 7 mins

About this Episode


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Everyone give a warm welcome to shiny brand new co-host Nathaniel Bozarth! You can follow him on Twitter @bo_nathaniel, so why not do that? I mean, he's got a mustache...

In other news, I started editing this hour-plus long episode an hour before it was supposed to post, and that was BEFORE I remembered I still have to go in and bleep out all the times where we said the name of the place Chris works at. Because for some reason he doesn't think people there would appreciate our program and his involvement with it. I know right? I think he's being totally uptight about the whole thing and he doesn't really have anything to worry about. I mean, if they can't appreciate this wholesome extra-curricular hobby of his, maybe they're not REALLY his friends? Bunch of assholes if that's the case, that's what I say. Anyway, my point being here that I don't really have time for an extended write up today. Sorry!

Today's strip
The Duckfeed podcast network
Foreign's Policy's The E.R.
A fried boiled egg recipe that may or may not be at all similar to Christine's

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