Episode 61 - Friday, August 18, 1978

Episode 61 · October 28th, 2016 · 11 mins 43 secs

About this Episode


        <img class="thumb-image" alt="Will anyone get this reference by the time the episode actually posts? Hey, your guess is as good as mine." data-image="https://static1.squarespace.com/static/57b273931b631b852a251d7e/t/580299f5e6f2e133b15eca67/1476569463702/" data-image-dimensions="381x376" data-image-focal-point="0.5,0.5" data-load="false" data-image-id="580299f5e6f2e133b15eca67" data-type="image" src="https://static1.squarespace.com/static/57b273931b631b852a251d7e/t/580299f5e6f2e133b15eca67/1476569463702/?format=1000w" />

      <p>Will anyone get this reference by the time the episode actually posts? Hey, your guess is as good as mine.</p>


A chilling vision presents itself in today's installment of Garfield, a vision of a nightmarish world in which clothing changes color from moment to moment, and also I think Lyman was quite likely murdered? Seems the most plausible explanation for where that OBVIOUSLY HUMAN FEMUR came from.

Today's strip

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